Broadway Brouhaha

This blog is maintained by Broadway Church. Writings about deep spiritual thoughts can be found and placed here.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Come pray, meditate and listen during Broadway's "Experiencing God" meetings on the first Wednesday of the month in the sanctuary from 7 to 8:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend.

This is a monthly time for quiet meditation, inner listening, giving and receiving peaceful energy.


Blogger Broadway Church said...

A Healing Moment

About five weeks ago I had a wonderful massage but the massage therapist asked me at the end if my lower back was hurting. I said, “No, I never have problems with it.” She said that the muscles seemed so tight. The very next day, my lower back began to have extreme spasms. I have never felt anything as painful as that. That night my husband, Ken, and I went out to dinner and I began to vent my frustration with things my sister had said to me. I became aware that there was an emotional issue that was being expressed in back pain, that I was becoming aware and letting go of some negative energy.
I talked to a therapist in the congregation who looked up back pain in a book by Louise Hay. She identifies back pain with a lack of basic support for life. I realized how true that is about my sisters. They do not have support for their own lives much less for others and it is time for me to let go of ever hoping that might change.
My medical doctor only gave me pain pills and said, “Good luck.” So I began to visit a chiropractor. I started getting some relief. One day the substitute chiropractor worked on me. He said my sacrum was out of alignment and it was pinching a nerve on my left side.
That night we had our Experiencing God service. This is a prayer service that focuses us on hearing the Holy Spirit speak to us. We start out with a time of guided meditation then move to a time of listening to the Spirit for each other. When it was my turn, I explained about the emotional issues that I was being healed from. Andy, one of our regulars, said that he had a vision that my sacrum was being adjusted and a lot of negative energy was pouring out of me.
I was stunned! Had I mentioned what the chiropractor had told me? I asked. No I hadn’t mentioned it to anyone there. I am in awe when I experience the power and presence of the Holy Spirit and how she speaks to us and through us to bring us healing. My back is on the mend and I am letting go of the negative energy I have carried for years.

Rev. Marcia Fleischman

August 14, 2008 at 9:12 AM  
Blogger David said...


But difficult it is to let go of negative energy sometimes.

I remember going through two years of holding on to negative energy when I was going through my divorce.

It's kind of strange, now that I know who I really am, that I held on to that for so long!!

What a relief when I did finally let go.

And now we talk on the phone somewhat regularly. And always in a friendly manner. In fact she sent me a text message on August 3. It said, "Thanks for marrying me 23 years ago." That would have been our anniversary . . . .

August 18, 2008 at 9:39 PM  

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