Broadway Brouhaha

This blog is maintained by Broadway Church. Writings about deep spiritual thoughts can be found and placed here.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

SPIRITUAL MUSINGS: Unloading Life's Burdens

After living in their home in DeSoto, KS for 51 years, my aging parents were beginning to feel the burden of being responsible for the upkeep of that home, especially since my father suffered a stroke, leaving him without the use of his right hand and little mobility. They decided to move to an assisted living facility in Overland Park last September. My dad, especially, held on to the belief that he would get well and go home again. This meant my folks still were paying taxes, paying the utilities, and paying for lawn care on the home in DeSoto. They also felt it necessary to check on the place at least once each month. When the hope of returning to their home faded, and they decided to sell, a burden lifted. They felt freer to call their assisted living facility “home,” and no longer felt torn between the two dwellings.

We all carry burdens on a daily basis. That is why on Sunday mornings at Broadway we are often asked to sit quietly, breathe deeply a time or two, and chase away the baggage we have brought with us to the worship service. That simple exercise clears our minds and allows us to focus on the teaching. Spiritual energy renews us and we find ourselves free to experience God in his home.


Blogger Sheryl said...

So true!

I was sad, and very involved in reflecting on my sadness, when I arrived at Broadway last Sunday. I felt separate and separated from the busy, friendly souls already there. Two of my wise Broadway brothers noticed and empathized, gave support. The tears came, and that sense of separation dissolved. But this is a good place to cry.

I have come to expect several stages when I come to worship. First, I often start to feel a tightness of my throat or chest, an awareness of pushing back feelings or arming against difficulties. After songs, silence, or prayer, what I think of as the messy stage, when I am overwhelmed with awe at God's willingness to open me up and help me transcend what I was acting like were impossible problems. It's a messy stage often because of tears, but also that sense of having lived my days as a blob of clay when I have the opportunity to soar and dance each day: it's embarrassment! Finally, there is relief, gratitude, and joy at being able to enjoy God, life, love, others. Just thinking--I spent many years in the tight throat stage, feeling only overwhelmed by life, but not ready to be graced by God. So glad to be in a different place now!

July 28, 2008 at 7:40 PM  

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